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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any requirements to be a mentee?

A Mentee must…

  • Be a young person (aged between 18 to 35 years) and a young woman (aged between 35 to 45 currently residing in Kampala and Wakiso
  • Willingness to devote a minimum of 2.5 hours a month to the relationship
  • Work with a mentor for a period of time no less than 9 months
  • Committed by attending face-to-face and online learning network sessions: 5- days Orientation workshop, mentor – mentee matching session, one-on-one mentor-mentee sessions, four reflection meetings and Certification Celebration Sessions and other programme requirements.
  • Attend all sessions in order to successfully complete the program.
  • Share quarterly progress reports with ACFODE on your mentorship journey.
  • Adhering to the code of conduct of SAUTI YA SASA to ensure respectful and appropriate mentoring relationships.
  • Have an internet enabled device (i.e. mobile phone, tablet, laptop/computer) to facilitate online engagements
  • Be willing to refer potential mentors to apply for the mentorship programme by sharing the link/ online banners.
Are there any requirements to be a mentor?

A mentor must be…

  • Currently residing in Kampala or wakiso with an experience in the mentorship field and an internet enabled device (i.e. mobile phone, tablet, laptop/computer) to facilitate online engagements.
  • Willing to devote a minimum of 8 hours a month to the mentorship relationship
  • Willing to take on at least 2 mentees for a period of time no less than 9 months, mentor-mentee matching meeting, attend the orientation for mentors
  • Willing to help a mentee with setting and working towards her/his goals – this may involve helping the mentee to prioritize and manage time;
  • Offer advice and guidance based on their own experiences;
  • Help the mentee explore options for future developments;
  • Give constructive feedback.
  • Work with the mentee to share their quarterly reports
  • Adhering to the code of conduct of SAUTI YA SASA to ensure respectful and appropriate mentoring relationships.
Can I have more than one mentor / mentee?

Yes! This can be quite beneficial. However, it is important to have different goals for each of those mentoring relationships.

Do you plan an introductory session for mentors?

Yes. ACFODE will convene a half day orientation workshop for mentors to refresh their knowledge on mentorship and roles of mentors. It is at this workshop that MoUs will be signed between mentors and ACFODE.

How are mentors & mentees matched?

Mentors will be invited to attend the last day of the training to share their expertise with all the mentees; groups will be formed, and time given for mentors to visit each group for further questions from the mentees. This will be followed by mentees presentation of their pitches/projects. A closed-door pairing session between mentors and ACFODE / GIZ will be done. The results will be communicated to the mentees thereafter.

How do I apply to become a mentee in the SAUTI YA SASA Mentoring Programme?

All interested candidates can apply through sending an email to ACFODE on and for further information contact Jacque on +256 788 589854.

How do I know if I chose the right goals to focus on in the mentoring programme?

Goal-setting is most effective when it is done in the context of a greater vision. This requires taking the time to think clearly about what the purpose of your mentoring relationship is and where you want to be at the conclusion of the mentoring relationship. What skills, competencies, experiences, and knowledge will you need to have to reach your goal? Which of these do you have now? When you identify the gap between where you are and where you want to be, the goals will emerge.

How will I communicate with my mentee/mentor? Will we need to meet face-to-face?

Mentors and mentees will jointly determine the best way to communicate to each other. Everyone has a different communication style.

Some people might prefer writing and reading emails, while others might prefer to catch up over the phone. Other mentors might prefer to meet in person or through other face-to-face interactions (such as Skype). Some people might prefer receiving shorter messages with more frequency, while others might prefer that you send them a more substantial email.

You will have opportunity to discuss with your mentor what he or she prefers as the best way to keep in touch. An important learning from past programme cycles: be flexible and stay in touch regularly to keep your mentor informed and actively involved.

How will mentors & mentees be selected?

The successful applicants (mentees) will be physically interviewed using interview assessment guides based on small group activities along key themes which will be developed and agreed upon by the panelists. This will be followed by the selection of 45 mentees (25 youth and 20 young women) and 20 mentors.

The mentors will be assessed based on experience while using an evaluation guide and the selected successful ones will be contacted. Each mentor will be paired with at least 2 mentees.

What are the benefits of participating in the mentoring programme?

For mentees, the value of having a mentor is undeniable. Among the many benefits, a good mentor can help a mentee become more efficient at work, learn new skills, develop self – confidence and make more logical decisions.

On top of acquiring new skills and knowledge, a mentee will be able to meet, network and share contacts with new people who can be of help in the future.

Mentors have also reported many benefits that include but not limited to satisfaction from seeing others develop; expanded generational and cultural perspectives; strengthened skills in mentoring, leadership, interpersonal skills and continuing to experience new ideas and insights.

What do I focus on in my mentoring relationship? Can I have a personal mentor as well as professional mentor?

At its core, mentoring is about advancing the learning and development of the mentee. A mentoring relationship is most effective when the mentor and mentee take the time at the beginning of the relationship to set specific, measurable, and meaningful goals. This can be focused on any kind of learning—whether personal, professional, or otherwise. Both mentors and mentees play an integral part in the success of the relationship by communicating their expectation, needs and commitments from the start.

What is a Change project?

Together with the mentor, the mentee will develop a change project. This is designed to address a unique need in the community thus improving the lives of people in the community.


SAUTI YA SASA is mentorship programme for selected women and youth to embark on a journey of growth guided by an accomplished professional to progress in your personal and professional life; to participate more meaningfully in civil society and contribute to decision‐making processes in various spaces.

What is the timeline of the Sauti Ya Sasa mentoring programme?

Our mentoring programme is for a full 9-month period starting on………………………. Participants may choose to continue their relationship beyond the supported time frame on their own.

The planned activities for the cycle include but not limited to; in-depth training on the program concepts, mentor-mentee matching, orientation workshop for mentors, coordination and mentee management, reflection meetings for mentors and mentees, graduation ceremony.

When is the best time in my career to have a mentor?

The best time to have a mentor is now. Since mentoring is a learning relationship, it is beneficial to all people regardless of age or stage. It is never too early for learning and setting life and career goals, and it is never too late. We often hear from mentors that they too want to be mentored too!

Who can join the SAUTI YA SASA Mentoring Programme?

Young people (aged between 18 to 35 years) and young women (aged between 35 to 45) currently residing in Kampala and Wakiso who are:

  • Highly motivated individuals committed to contributing to a positive change in their community and wider society;
  • Fresh graduates or youth and young women who have interest in leadership or are starting businesses and need guidance/mentoring;
  • Having an internet enabled device (i.e. mobile phone, tablet, laptop/computer) to facilitate online engagements.
Why can’t I just get my mentoring from my supervisor?

Mentoring is a leadership competency, good managers are often good mentors; but the purpose of these relationships is distinct, and having a mentor who is not your manager provides clear advantages.

First, the role of your supervisor is to make sure that you are performing well in your job. The role of your mentor is to ensure that you identify developmental goals that work for you, which may or may not have anything to do with your current job.

Second, the allegiance of your supervisor will always be first to making sure the company succeeds; the allegiance of your mentor is to make sure you succeed. Finally, we often hear from mentees that their mentor can provide an unbiased, objective, fresh perspective while a supervisor may be unable to provide because they are mired in the details of day-to-day work.

Will we be paid to participate in the mentoring programme?

No, there will be no payments made to mentors and mentees to participate in the programme, nor shall mentors nor mentees be remunerated to participate in the mentoring programme.