ACFODE continues to build the capacity of duty bearers and youth to enable them effectively champion women’s and youth’s issues these include women caucuses, youth, district and sub county technocrats. With regard to the youth, ACFODE carries out regional youth dialogues, and implements phase II of the youth mentoring programme, fostering both personal, career growth and building a cadre of young people who are gender sensitive.
ACFODE under the Women Situation Room, monitored the 2021 General Elections; the Women Situation Room (WSR) is a mechanism that mobilizes women and youth to promote full and active participation of women and youth in ensuring peaceful elections in Uganda. ACFODE also documented the experiences, challenges and successes of the women who participated, won or lost in the just concluded ‘scientific’ elections across the project districts; ACFODE trains the newly elected women leaders on their new mandate and produce the Bi-annual Arise Magazine.