In commemoration of the 2024 Women’s Day which is themed, “Accelerating Gender Equality through Women’s Economic Empowerment”, ACFODE hosted a knowledge café that saw civil society actors, and development partners in attendance.
The café was coined around securing women’s land rights which is one of the resources that contribute to empowerment and economic growth.
While addressing the partners, the executive director of ACFODE Ms. Bafaki Regina challenged the participants to walk the talk because it is only then that the change in households and communities shall feel tangible.
“We put in so much in organizing such forums and at the end of the day we go back to our silos, am hoping today, it's going to be different in that we are going to keep connected, collaborate and partner to make sure that women’s land rights are promoted, protected and respected. This could further result in women having economic and food security.” She said.
All this was done as a commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other global, regional and national instruments and frameworks that promote women’s rights and gender equality.
This was done in line with the Ugandan constitution of 1995 which provides that all people regardless of their sex, colour, age, religion, or tribe, shall have equal rights and justice, as well as the Land Act which provides for mandatory representation of women in land tenure governance institutions, the National Land Policy (2013) which has among its core principles, “Equity and justice in access to land irrespective of gender, age, disability or any other reason created by history, tradition or custom.”
Speaking to Mr Tom Bulemesa one of the presenters of the event, highlighted the need to address social norm changes that greatly impact on the attitude of land ownership and control by women.
“It is important for us to address issues to do with social gender norms and mindset change about land ownership by women because it is one of the many causes of domestic violence in a home setting” said Mr Bulemesa a consultant.
According to an article published in 2018 by The World Bank, 70 per cent of the population in Uganda is employed in agriculture, making agriculture the main and most important resource for livelihood for Ugandans. Women constitute 76% of the agriculture labour force and 35% of them are unpaid family workers.
Ms. Matsika Uzieri one of the beneficiaries of ACFODE initiatives testifies to the progress she has made since her husband apportioned a piece of land to her.
“I used to struggle to get where to grow my coffee because I didn’t own land, but when ACFODE trained my husband, he pledged to give me a piece of land. He has since fulfilled his promise and now am a proud owner of half an acre (1/2) of land and I confidently grow my coffee.” Said Uzieri.
I cannot wait to harvest and sell my coffee and use the proceeds to contribute to my children’s school fees” she added.
These and many issues are what brought ACFODE together with partners to advocate for women’s land rights under the Stand For Her Land Campaign.