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Trans-formative Social-Cultural Change

ACFODE contributes to increased public awareness, consciousness and support for women’s right to social, economic and political participation. This is done through increasing awareness and laws and policies particularly the DVA, CEDAW, GBV Policy and the Referral Pathway.  Specific projects are the “Promoting Equitable, Just and Accountable Conservation in Mount Elgon Conservation Area” supported by the Swedish Foundation for Human Rights that advocates for the respect, protection and fulfilment of the rights of women and girls living around Mt. Elgon National Park in Uganda; the PWACRU project, Protection of Women’s and Children’s Rights in Central and South Western regions and the Stop – prevention of sexual and gender violence in Ugandan refugee settlements and their neighboring communities project in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in Kyegegwa District. Emphasis is placed on girls who have fallen victim to abuse and teenage pregnancies as a result of the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ACFODE continues to engage in capacity building, media, community dialogues, and documentation and production IEC materials to promote positive social cultural practices.

In this Pillar of Focus, ACFODE undertakes the following projects.
Empowered to Act: Enhancing Gender Inclusive Programming and Service Delivery among Member-based organisations. (Jan 2023-Dec 2027)

This project is a collaborative effort aimed at addressing various challenges related to gender inequality and women's economic justice in Uganda. By partnering with We Effect, the project leverages evidence gathered by… ..../Read More.

Increasing Economic security and opportunity for women in cooperatives in Kasese District( April 2023- 31st March 2024)

This project aims to enhance productivity, income, and access to resources for women involved in the Mt. Rwenzori Coffee Cooperative Union in Kasese District. By promoting their rights, financial literacy skills, and… ..../Read More.

"My Right:No Violence"-Prevention of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Girls and Women in the Refugee Settlement in Kyaka II and its Surroundings.

ACFODE seeks to create a safer environment and foster a culture of respect and equality, ultimately reducing instances of SGBV and promoting the well-being of young girls in and out of school. It is implementing a… ..../Read More.

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The Listen Up Workshops

The Listen Up Workshops: Amplify the voices and power of refugee women and girls to catalyze institutional reform, inter-agency action, and increased resources to reduce Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) in… ..../Read More.

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Prevention of Sexual and Gender Violence (SGBV) STOP in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (2019-2022)

We created this project to promote gender equality and women empowerment among refugee and host communities in Uganda. We will build capacities of social actors, duty bearers, and model couples to become advocates of… ..../Read More.

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Building Local, Thinking Global (BLTG) (2018-2020)

The BLTG project was a 2-year strategic partnership with International Rescue Committee(IRC) to provide support to local Gender-Based Violence (GBV) actors within Palabek Refugee Settlement in Lamwo district. The aim… ..../Read More.

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Sauti ya sasa is a mentorship programme essentially to enhance women and youth civic engagement and career opportunities. Through this programme, we believe that the youth will develop transferable work-related skills… ..../Read More.